No Virtualismo
trabalho sempre com o digital e o plástico. Com um vasto leque de ferramentas
nunca antes disponíveis, podemos interagir e transformar o mundo virtual. O
mundo virtual transforma nos, obriga-nos a aperfeiçoar técnicas, a sermos
inventivos e audaciosos. O Virtualismo
abre espaço á comunicação, ao dinamismo e á partilha.
In Virtualism I always work with digital and plastic. With a wide range of tools never before available, we can interact and transform the virtual world. The virtual world transforms us, obliges us to perfect techniques, to be inventive and audacious. Virtualism opens space for communication, dynamism and sharing.
In Virtualism I always work with digital and plastic. With a wide range of tools never before available, we can interact and transform the virtual world. The virtual world transforms us, obliges us to perfect techniques, to be inventive and audacious. Virtualism opens space for communication, dynamism and sharing.
Virtual Flash